November 12, 2018 - NCKU 87th Anniversary, Taiwan

Bulbophyllum Hans' Delight 'G.D. Ladybug'
(Bulbophyllum putidum x Bulbophyllum Cruentum)
CCM 86
Exhibited by: G. D. Orchids

Award 20185469

All awards considered pending until published in the AOS Orchids Plus. Pictures are not the AOS Award photos. Descriptions are subject to revision in final publication.
 Description: One hundred nineteen flowers and 26 buds on 74 inflorescences to 5cm long; plant mounted on a piece of driftwood 76cm x 50cm x 31cm nestled in a black plastic tray 49cm x 28cm x 7.5cm; dorsal sepal cupped, dusky brown with dark maroon-black venation, lateral sepals elongated, ivory covered with coalescing burgundy warts and venation; petals ochre striated with dark burgundy; mobile lip dark burgundy; column chartreuse with burgundy spots, with two chartreuse teeth, anther cap chartreuse with single dark burgundy spot; substance hard; texture waxy.


Copyright 2018 AOS Pacific Central Judging Center
