April 1, 2023 - Sonoma County Orchid Society Show

Sarcochilus Kulnura Frenzy 'Sasha'
(Sarcochilus Parma 'Lemon' x Sarcochilus Kulnura Hysteria 'Whopa')
AM 80
Exhibited by: Lynne Murrell
Photographer: Lynne Murrell

Award 20235369

All awards considered pending until published in the AOS Orchids Plus. Pictures are not the AOS Award photos. Descriptions are subject to revision in final publication.

 Measurements in cm.
 NS  2.7  NSV  2.2
 DSW  1.0  DSL  1.0
 PETW  0.6  PETL  1.1
 LSW  1.0  LSL  1.2
 LIPW  0.3  LIPL  0.5
 # flwrs

 # buds

 # infl



 Description: Thirty bright flowers and 40 buds on five arched inflorescences up to 20cm; sepals and petals ovate, white overlaid dark pink basally, suffused pink distally; lip white spotted yellow and orange, interior dark pink; column yellow; substance firm; texture crystalline.


Copyright 2023 AOS Pacific Central Judging Center
