October 4, 2022 San Francisco Monthly

Rhomboda moulkiensis 'Rainbow Orchids'
AM 81
Exhibited by: Christian Nietro
Photographer: Ken Jacobsen

Award 20225262

All awards considered pending until published in the AOS Orchids Plus. Pictures are not the AOS Award photos. Descriptions are subject to revision in final publication.

 Measurements in cm.
 NS  1.2  NSV  1.4
 DSW  0.3  DSL  0.8
 PETW  0.1  PETL  0.3
 LSW  0.2  LSL  1.3
 LIPW  1.2  LIPL  1.1
 # flwrs

 # buds

 # infl



 Description: Twenty-four flowers well-arranged spirally around one 22-cm inflorescence; seven dark green leaves, midridge white up to 4.0cm wide, 7.5cm long; stem cordovan 14cm; sepals green overlaid rose; petals minute, green; tubular portion lip saccate, cordovan; distal portion lip bilobed, white; substance firm; texture matte; commended for shape and arrangement of flowers.


Copyright 2022 AOS Pacific Central Judging Center
