July 15, 2023 - Filoli Historic House

Cattleya warscewiczii 'Thomas Toulemonde'
HCC 77
Exhibited by: Steven Christoffersen
Photographer: Chaunie Langland

Award 20235300

All awards considered pending until published in the AOS Orchids Plus. Pictures are not the AOS Award photos. Descriptions are subject to revision in final publication.

 Measurements in cm.
 NS  18.0  NSV  18.2
 DSW  2.9  DSL  12.7
 PETW  5.9  PETL  10.8
 LSW  2.9  LSL  9.8
 LIPW  5.9  LIPL  9.2
 # flwrs

 # buds

 # infl



 Description: Two flowers on one 13.5-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals dark pink, cream basal attachment area, petals pronounced midrib, slightly ruffled; lip ruffled, closed over column, cream heavily overlaid purple, throat yellow overlaid purple, yellow veins, small cream eyes; substance firm; texture light diamond dust.


Copyright 2023 AOS Pacific Central Judging Center
