February 15, 2024 - Pacific Orchid Exposition

Masdevallia Bay Breeze 'Jaime'
(Masdevallia Fraseri x Masdevallia John Tomaschke)
AM 84
Exhibited by: Ron Norris
Photographer: Ken Jacobsen

Award 20245358

All awards considered pending until published in the AOS Orchids Plus. Pictures are not the AOS Award photos. Descriptions are subject to revision in final publication.

 Measurements in cm.
 NS  12.5  NSV  4.0
 DSW  1.7  DSL  8.5
 PETW  0.2  PETL  0.4
 LSW  3.8  LSL  8.0
 LIPW  0.2  LIPL  3.5
 # flwrs

 # buds

 # infl



 Description: Six flowers and two buds on eight upright inflorescences up to 17 cm; dorsal sepal white overlaid fuchsia darkening on cauda; lateral sepals fuchsia, darker inferior surface, caudae dark fuchsia; petals white; lip dark fuchsia; column white; substance heavy; texture velvety; petals and lip dimentions estimated, not measured.


Copyright 2024 AOS Pacific Central Judging Center
